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Wicked Saints Studios
Delaware - USA

Building the world's 1st adventure activism game.

Wicked Saints uses behavioral technology to create interactive media that is wickedly fun and actively good. They combine the power of movements with the pleasure of games. After emerging from Niantic's (makers of Pokémon GO) incubator, their world-class team created World Reborn--the world's 1st adventure activism game. It’s a real fantasy game where your real life actions fuel your ability to make choices and win the game. At its simplest, World Reborn is a story game with real-life quests facilitated by augmented reality.



Jessica Murrey
Co-founder & CEO
Jessica Murrey
Co-founder & CEO
Jessica Murrey
Jessica Murrey
Co-founder & CEO
Jessica Murrey
Co-founder & CEO
Alicia Clifton
Co-founder & COO
Alicia Clifton
Co-founder & COO
Alicia Clifton
Alicia Clifton
Co-founder & COO
Alicia Clifton
Co-founder & COO

